Logan College of Chiropractic
Exam Takers
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Administrators / Faculty
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Minimum System Requirements:

Exam Taker Information

What Is ExamSoft?

ExamSoft is a secure testing system that students can use to take tests from their own computing devices. At Logan, all assessments (tests) within the Doctor of Chiropractic program will be taken on an iPad. Assessments are taken in a secure environment as ExamSoft prevents access to the Internet, programs or files during a test. ExamSoft requires an Internet connection to download a locked exam before it is administered, but does not require an Internet connection during testing. This allows exams to be administered in a variety of environments.


Technical Support for ExamSoft

Mike Chappell:  michael.chappell@logan.edu  or  636-230-1753
Jennifer Lewis: jennifer.lewis@logan.edu or 636-230-1993
Academic Technology Services:  AcademicTechnology@logan.edu  or  636-230-1779
IT Help Desk:  help@logan.edu or 636-207-2475


Student Testing

Starting with the Fall 2014 entering DC class, each student is required to have an iPad that meets the recommended minimum guidelines for testing, which can be viewed at:


The costs for use of the ExamSoft system are included in the educational fees associated with registration and tuition.


ExamSoft’s testing application for the iPad is called Examplify. The app must be downloaded and installed on all iPads prior to the first exam. Logan provides guidance on the installation and setup of Examplify during the new student orientation. At that time, students will receive training on how to download the software to their iPad, configure their iPad for testing, and access and use the SofTest-M app to take an exam. If you need additional assistance contact the technical support staff (listed above).


Students whose iPad fails to meet the recommended guidelines will not be allowed to sit for exams. In the event of technical difficulties, a limited number of loaner iPads will be available for one day checkout from Logan’s Learning Resource Center (LRC). iPads not returned by the LRC’s closing are subject to an overdue fine. Students who have repeated technical problems at testing sessions will be required to repair or replace their iPad before they may sit for future exams.


Students will use the following format to login to Examplify:
Institution ID: Logan

Username: firstname.lastname (username is the firstname.lastname portion of your email)

Password: email password


Faculty and Staff Access

Faculty and staff who need access to the ExamSoft system should seek the approval of their immediate supervisor. Chairs and Directors who approve access to ExamSoft should then forward these requests to Mike Chappell who will be managing all faculty and staff access to ExamSoft as well as creating new user accounts. Users are required to attend training before access to the system is granted. ExamSoft training will be held in small groups. To schedule training, please contact the technical support staff.


Pre-Exam Protocol


Building an Exam

Building a test in ExamSoft requires time and planning. It is recommended that instructors begin creating tests at least several days prior to the day of the test. All questions in ExamSoft are entered in a repository called the Item Database. Questions are entered from the Questions tab of the Item Database and saved and approved in ExamSoft. It will be left to each instructor as to how questions are entered into the Item Database. Administrative staff may assist with entering questions into the Item Database, however the quality and accuracy of all test questions is the responsibility of primary instructor within each course. Each term, instructors should save individual assessments to the appropriate Year/Term folder under their course e.g., 2017 Summer. A new folder must be created each term by the instructor.


Process for Building Exams

Step 1. Faculty will identify questions they would like to have on exams and enter them from the Assessments tab of their respective folder.


Step 2. Faculty will create assessments and preview for errors before posting to the class. It is important that faculty preview the exam through Examplify (for PC or Mac) or Examplify (for iPad) and view the exam as students will see it, before the exam is posted for downloading.


Step 3. To reduce the possibility of cheating during testing sessions, faculty are expected to scramble or randomize questions and/or answer sequencing within their assessments prior to posting. The ExamSoft training for Faculty will include information on randomizing questions.


Step 4. Faculty will post the finished assessment after verifying that it is acceptable for use.



Posting and Downloading

Faculty should post assessments for download several days before the test day. Faculty also should email the class to notify them of the posting. Students should download the assessment before the day of the exam. Students who are unable to download the assessment or who experience technical difficulties should contact technical support (listed above) immediately. Students with downloading or other technical complications who do not contact technical support in advance of the scheduled exam, may or may not be given additional testing time to compensate for time lost due to their technical problem, at the instructor’s discretion.


Students who have a pre-arranged, excused absence for the day of an exam should not download the assessment and should schedule a make-up date with the course faculty and Student Services.


Students who have downloaded the assessment, but do not attend the scheduled testing session will be unable to access or complete the assessment at the scheduled test time. Students who receive an excused absence for missing the exam due to illness or other circumstances will need to arrange for a make-up exam in accordance with the instructors make-up exam procedures.


Technical Support During Testing Sessions

Technical support during testing sessions is provided by Mike Chappell. Faculty or their designee should inform Mr. Chappell at least several days in advance via email of all testing sessions in order to insure his availability. In the event that Mr. Chappell is not available, faculty should contact the Logan Help Desk (listed above) to request standby technical support.



Exam Day Procedures

Key Procedures

During the day of the assessment, it is important to follow key procedures to ensure your assessment remains secure.

  1. Examinees should be asked to turn off all electronic devices other than their iPad and remove all belongings from their area.
  2. All examinees should start the exam at the same time. No students should be allowed to start an exam late. Late arrivals should be scheduled for a retake exam, at the instructor’s discretion.
  3. Examinees who need to retake an exam should schedule with the Testing Center. To eliminate schedule conflicts with other classes, the retake should accommodate both the student’s class schedule and the posted hours of the Testing Center.
  4. Examinees will be given the password and start the exam at the direction of the instructor. It is recommended that faculty post the password and any instructions or information on the projection screen or whiteboard to avoid the need for repeating information.
    a. Technical problems encountered during the assessment should be addressed outside the classroom to avoid disturbing the rest of the class. In the event of a malfunction on an exam taker’s iPad that cannot be resolved quickly, the student will take the make-up assessment at a later date in the Testing Center as scheduled with Student Services.
  5. Examinees should note questions about the assessment or errors in questions on the scratch paper provided and turn this in after completing the assessment. 
    a. Scratch paper may be provided for students at the instructor’s discretion. Students must turn in their scratch paper before leaving the room.
  6. Before they leave the testing area, each student will show the green confirmation window on their iPad to the proctor or faculty, to verify that their answer file has uploaded successfully.

Test Scores, Final Grades and Post-Exam Review


Test Scores

At the instructor’s discretion, students will be given the initial raw score of each assessment immediately upon completion of the assessment. The initial scores released upon completion may not be representative of the final test score, particularly if the questions require manual grading by the instructor e.g., short answer, fill-in-the-blank, or essay questions. The final score will be released by the faculty after all assessments have been graded.


Releasing Final Grades

Final scores should be released to students within two business days after the assessment has been taken by all of the examinees, including all make-up exams. Instructors can modify or adjust scores using the ExamSoft web application. Once final grades have been determined, the instructor will release them to the students.


Post-Exam Review

Review of the assessment and answers are at the discretion of the lead faculty member.


Excused Absences

Examinees who are unable to attend class the day of the assessment due to an excused absence, must not download the assessment prior to the scheduled test date. After speaking with their instructor, they must schedule a make-up date with Student Services in advance of the scheduled test date. Student Services will re-release the assessment to the student on the day of the make-up exam.



Other Absences

Students who download the assessment prior to the assessment day and then do not attend class due to illness or emergency must not attempt to complete the assessment. Students must contact the faculty and Student Services to schedule a make-up assessment. Faculty will re-release the assessment to the student on the day of the make-up exam.


Testing Accommodations in Examplify

Students who require special accommodations including additional time and/or a quiet space for test administration, must receive appropriate consideration. It is the responsibility of the student to inform faculty of their need for testing accommodations and to provide information to Student Services regarding the nature of these accommodations. The faculty must consult with the Office of Student Services to schedule the student’s assessment time around other classes without requiring the student to miss classes. These assessments will always be administered in the Testing Center.

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