Lewis and Clark College Law School
Exam Takers
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      Review these instructions, download the ExamSoft software to your computer, and practice taking an exam before you attempt to take an exam.  Instructions for downloading ExamSoft to your computer, computer system requirements, and FAQ's, can be found on this web site.

      In general, you will pick up exams from the registrar’s office if the exam is unscheduled, or your exam will be given out by the professor or a proctor in an exam room, if the exam is scheduled for a specific time.  Once you have the exam and have either been told by the professor or proctor that you can begin, or, if the exam is unscheduled, when you are set up and ready to begin, you may start the exam on ExamSoft.  Once you begin the exam, you cannot leave it and return again.  Leaving the exam means you have finished it.


    If you have a computer problem during the exam, you have 7 minutes to try and restart or reboot the computer without being locked out of the exam. 

   ESSAY Exam:  If it takes longer than 7 minutes, get a blue book from a box in the exam room and write the remainder of your exam.  You have until the end of the time you would have ended the exam normally.  Bring your computer to the registrar’s office at the end of the time for the exam, along with the blue books.  Explain that you had a computer malfunction and you were not able to reboot within the 7 minute window.  You may be required to leave the computer at the registrar’s office overnight in order to have the computing services staff check the problem with the computer.

    MULTIPLE CHOICE with answers done on computer, NOT scantron:  If it takes longer than 7 minutes and your are locked out, take your computer to the registrar's office. You will be given a scantron sheet and you must complete ALL the answers, even the ones you had already answered in the computer.  You will be given the full amount of time to re-do the exam. 

    UPLOADING the exam: Time spent trying to upload the exam DOES NOT count toward the time used to take the exam EXCEPT if you are late returning the exam question packet to the professor or the registrar's office. You need to return the exam question packet to the registrar (or professor or proctor in a scheduled exam) on time even if the exam has not uploaded yet.  You can continue to work on uploading the exam after you turn in the questions.  If you have trouble uploading the exam, check with the registrar's office, and, if necessary, the support desk at Examsoft.

     ExamSoft support is the first place to turn for technical help.  If you get in touch with the registrar, the registrar will get in touch with ExamSoft, if appropriate, to assist with trouble-shooting. Your exam will have been saved up to the time your computer has a problem, so if you have a computer problem during an exam, you will not have lost the portion you have already done.

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