University of Mississippi Medical Center
School of Graduate Studies
ExamSoft On-Line Testing Center
Please Log in:
**New Starting August 9, 2024
Students and Faculty will use their UMC email and UMC password to log into ExamSoft and Examplify.
Students must be enrolled in a Canvas course that will be using ExamSoft.
Examsoft will align with Apple and retire support for macOS 12, Monterey effective Nov. 5, 2024.
ExamSoft will be releasing Examplify version 3.5.2 for Windows and macOS and will be applied on Thursday, August 22, 2024. Exam Takers that have a earlier version will be required to update to Examplify version 3.5.2 once the new version is applied. Review the Minimum System Requirements (MSR) to ensure your computer meets the minimum requirements.
Message for ExamTakers
Keep in mind as new versions and updates of operating systems (e.g Windows 10,11 and Mac OS) are release, Examplify may not be immediately compatible and could require a new version of Examplify. As new versions of OS are released we recommend revisiting the system requirements listed at the top of this Examsoft portal homepage page for any messages concerning compatibility with new operating systems before applying updates. For best practice use compatible versions you have tested previously with a mock exam and test updates with a mock exam if available. If you use an older operating system that is reaching end of support consider updating prior to the retire date.
If you need UMMC help, please contact one of these persons: