Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy
Exam Takers
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Exam Taker Information

Welcome to the ExamSoft Portal for the VCU School of Pharmacy

 The VCU School of Pharmacy
uses ExamSoft, a computerized testing system, in the P1 through P3 years of the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum. With this program course coordinators may administer class quizzes, exams, and/or graded homework, which you will complete on your laptop to gain practice with computerized exams (such as board exams). In order to use the ExamSoft system, you must download a program onto your laptop that enables you to take the exam.  This program is called Examplify.  

Download and Register Examplify

On this page, enter your VCU eID and ExamSoft password under the "Exam Takers" tab in the upper left section of the screen and click "Login".  
Download Examplify under step 2 on the Examplify tab.  Once you have downloaded the Examplify program, follow the onscreen instructions to register your version of Examplify. ExamSoft has provided instructional videos on using Examplify here. Once you have downloaded and registered Examplify, you will use this program to then download your exams and to take your exams. 

Minimum System Requirements

Examplify can be used on any computer purchased within the last 3 years.  To review minimum system requirements, please click here

Firewall & Virus Protection Programs

If your computer has a personal firewall installed (e.g., Sophos, Norton Personal Firewall, McAfee Personal Firewall, Zone Alarm, etc), you should add as a trusted website. If unsure how to add Examsoft as a trusted website, please see the manufacturer's instructions. Another option is to disable the personal firewall and antivirus software until after you have finished with downloading, taking, and uploading the exam.


VCU Honor System Policy

All testing conducted through ExamSoft is subject to the VCU Honor System Policy as outlined on the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity website.  

Examplify Tech Support-  866-429-8889

Internet Explorer is not a supported browser. We recommend Firefox or Google Chrome for the best experience.
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